First of all, we recommend narrowing down the planned application as precisely as possible.
For example, you should ask yourself the following questions:
1. What do I mainly want to transport (daily shopping? Bulky waste? Garden waste? Anvil?)
2. Do I need an all-round trailer for everything, not too big, not too small. Upgradeable and Versatile? Then the Hmax!
3. Am I a frequent cyclist and am I replacing my car? Do I always have too little space, maybe a few children? Am I outside a lot, at the lake, with a lot of equipment? Then the Hxxl light or the Hxxxl light!
4. At what distances do I use the trailer? How are the ways? (For short distances for everyday transport on well-developed roads, the standard equipment is completely sufficient, even to transport something very heavy in advance. For longer and rougher routes, a few upgrades such as V-reinforcement bars and continuous axles should be installed. Professional use with a lot of weight calls for the heavy-duty equipment ...)
5. Does the size and weight of the folded trailer matter? In general, the milled light tubs are significantly lighter and easier to carry, etc.
6. Do I want to transport Euroboxes? Then the basic module of the Hmini (1 x Eurobox), Hxxl (2 x Eurobox) or Hxxxl (3 x Eurobox) should be selected, depending on requirements and application. Or the 540 liter box for professional cargo cyclists. 3 Euroboxes fit in there, one behind the other, sealed against rain.
7. Do I need a lockable, rainproof box in order to be able to unintentionally leave purchases in front of a shop? Then the size plays a role, from the 70 liter box to the 830 liter box everything is possible.
Once you have selected a possibly suitable size, it helps a lot to cut out the chassis size from cardboard. Unless you can come to us directly in Munich.
We are happy to advise you and can estimate what you need much more specifically if you can describe to us as precisely as possible what you are planning to do with it (around the corner for shopping or with camping equipment on an expedition far from civilization ;-))